On Saturday, July 2, the group JKcOlllllllOrado hosted a trail event for lady drivers and I was so happy to be able to attend! Men who co-piloted could either wear a wig/skirt (for fun and laughs) or donate to a women's-based charity. The day was full of fun and challenges and overall was a really great time!
The group ran two trails back-to-back: Middle St. Vrain and Coney Flats (Boulder County, Colorado). Last fall I ran both of these from the opposite direction, so this was a good chance to wheel them mostly uphill this time around. Eight Jeeps turned out for this event, despite weather that wavered between drizzle and full-out rain for most of the day. (You know that just makes for more mud, and I was super stoked to get my Jeep dirty!). The ladies who wheeled ranged from those with many years of experience to none at all - a couple of the gals had never wheeled before and everyone did an amazing job on the trail! It helped that one of the more experienced guys acted as spotter for us at the tougher areas.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth a million, right?! So, I'll shut up and let you look at some of the rock crawlin' fun we had!
I was a little concerned that the water crossing would be too high, but we all made it through with no issues. We'd planned on stopping for a picnic lunch in that area, but as it was raining steadily we all ate in our Jeeps and then dashed through the drops to snap photos of the group.
The day ended with more rain - and more mud! Here's the happy gal at trail's end:

All in all, it was a fantastic day! Everyone I met was friendly and supportive and, of course, crazy-happy to be Jeepin' in the Great Outdoors! It doesn't get much better than that!
Happy Trails!